Exxon Mobil’s Proposed Permit Modification

This article written by our partners at Newtown Creek Alliance:

ExxonMobil is seeking to consolidate and relocate two existing groundwater treatment systems associated with the Greenpoint Oil Spill to a new groundwater treatment facility at 38 Varick Street, Brooklyn, NY (one of Exxon’s sites in Greenpoint).

On May 9 at 6:30pm, Exxon is hosting a virtual public meeting to present the project to the community in accordance with NYS guidelines.

NCA has several concerns regarding this modification:

Concern 1: Going from two treatment systems to one
Concern 2: Concentrating discharge activities at Penny Bridge (Meeker Ave street end)
Concern 3: A 10 acre Creekside property can be sold to the highest bidder

ExxonMobil was built on the banks of Newtown Creek. They made trillions of $$$ in profit, and left a toxic legacy in Greenpoint that includes the country’s largest terrestrial oil spill and NYC's largest federal superfund site.

We encourage members of the public to attend the meeting on May 9 at 6:30pm to learn about the project and ensure that community health is not jeopardized as part of this proposal.

Learn more about ExxonMobil’s proposed permit modification HERE, where you can also find the meeting link.

Published on May 3, 2024 by Admin.


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