Delivering environmental and nautical education to local organizations, institutions, school groups, and community members.
NBCB Safety and Marine Knowledge Series
As we strive to achieve more public access to the waterways of New York and Brooklyn, we also aim to engage and educate the community and our members in nautical skills and safety. Taught by NBCB founding member and kayak trip leader Monica Schroeder, the Safety and Nautical Skills Series includes four classes. See our calendar or follow us on social media to find out when the next event takes place.
Nautical Knots for Paddlers
Learn the most useful knots for kayakers and canoeists including the bowline, clove hitch, rolling hitch, square knot, lark's foot, and how to tie off your boat to a cleat. See photos of Monica’s last nautical knots class here.
Marine Radio & Weather for Paddlers
We paddle in busy waters, so knowing when and how to use the marine radio is critical for safety on the waterways of NYC. You'll also learn how to factor the weather into planning a trip.
Trip Planning Theory & Practice
Learn about tides and tidal currents with a special focus on our area. This class explains how the moon and weather can affect currents, using the 50-90 rule, and understanding various charts, apps, and lingo. By the end of the night you’ll be planning trips.
Nautical Rules of the Road & Local Knowledge
Whether you’re looking to refresh your knowledge or just interested in upping your local nautical know-how, this class teaches paddlers how to handle ferries, tugs, barges and other commercial traffic, non-emergency and emergency landings and launch sites, right of way, and much more.
Introduction to Navigation
Nautical charts are particularly valuable for gaining local knowledge when visiting new waterways for the first time. Intro to navigation for kayaks and canoes teaches how to read a chart, plan a trip, and how to use a compass to fix your location. The class also includes a discussion on the pros and cons of using GPS on the water.
Winter Paddling Safety
To paddle with NBCB during the winter, members must complete the winter paddling class. This is taught on-land, for intermediate and advanced padders only. You will learn how to deal with cold weather, what to wear, and how to avoid hypothermia.
On Shore & Floating Classrooms
North Brooklyn Community Boathouse is proud to offer two main programs; an on-land and on-water component. With a number of ecological issues facing our beloved waterways, we typically deliver programming for all age groups, with up to 30 participants.
Using two 29-foot canoes (much longer and wider than our normal fleet), we are able to safely and effectively charter large groups (up to 20 persons maximum at a time) of inexperienced paddlers onto the waters. With the help of our partners at Newtown Creek Alliance, participants witness, study, and learn first-hand about the variety of environmental issues impacting Newtown Creek. Each canoe is captained by one of our professionally trained and experienced on-water guides. Floating Classrooms is made possible by the generous support of the Greenpoint Community Environmental Fund.
If you are interested in participating in any of our programs, please contact us by e-mail.
List of Previous Participants
Bard High School
Boy Scouts Troop 469
City College of NY
Eckford Street Studio
The Fortune Society
Grand Street Settlement
Greenpoint YMCA
Green Girls Program
Headstrong Project
John Jay College
LaGuardia Community College
The New School
Newtown Creek Alliance
New York Harbor School
New York University
North Brooklyn Development Corporation
Open House NY
Original Blessing
Pratt Institute
St. Josephs College