Public Paddle News 2021
No experience needed! ¡No se necesita experiencia!
Public Paddles are the heart of North Brooklyn Community Boathouse, a chance to show the community that the waters belong to all of us and to help our friends and neighbors find the same joy in paddling that we all know.
Trips are 30 minutes long. led by trained Trip Leaders and are either in big canoes (up to 12 paddlers!) or sit-on-top kayaks which seat 1 or 2 people. For kayaks, there is a minimum height requirement of 4’10” in order to ensure the kayak will remain balanced. There is no size requirement for canoes. Only unvaccinated adults must wear masks (both in the boatyard and on water).
Public Paddle, June 1, 2019
¡La temporada 2021 arranca con un Pádel Público! Los Public Paddles son el corazón del North Brooklyn Community Boathouse, una oportunidad para mostrarle a la comunidad que las aguas nos pertenecen a todos y ayudar a nuestros amigos y vecinos a encontrar la misma alegría en el remo que todos conocemos.
Los viajes duran 30 minutos y utilizarán kayaks con capacidad para uno o dos personas. Hay un requisito de altura mínima de 4’10 ” para garantizar que el kayak se mantenga equilibrado. Sin minimos de talla para las canoes.
Las mascaras son necesarias si no esta vacunado.
We are also looking for volunteers! If you’re interested please email and let us know if you can pitch in.
Para ser voluntario, por favor envíe un correo electrónico:
No experience is necessary. We are looking for help with:
Setting up the event
Waivers, PFDs, and dock help
Greeting the public
End of event packing up
Hope to see you there!
NBCB sincerely thanks the Greenpoint Community Environment Fund and the Office of the New York State Attorney General and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation for financial support for our Public Paddle series.
This entry was posted on June 9, 2021 by Monica Schroeder.
The Public Paddles Are Back for 2021!
A new old name, a new old home, and a new season for North Brooklyn Community Boathouse
You know us as North Brooklyn Boatclub, but we are going with our original name: North Brooklyn Community Boathouse. Because we are YOUR community boating organization, and our mission is to enable access to and encourage stewardship of the local waters among YOU, our local community.
We missed you in 2020! And we are thrilled to announce that our Public Paddle series is back for 2021!
And even better, we are launching the public paddles from our old boatyard at 51 Ash St., just against the Pulaski Bridge in Greenpoint, Brooklyn!
The six Public Paddles already scheduled will alternate between our gorgeous 29′ Langley canoes and a new fleet of sit-on-top kayaks!
Our current COVID protocols require only those who are not (yet) vaccinated to wear a mask while in the boatyard or in the boats.
This year’s remaining schedule (subject to change; please check our Calendar of Events):
Saturday, July 10, 12-4 PM: Big Canoes
Sunday, July 18, 12-4 PM: Sit-on-top kayaks
Sunday, August 15, 12-4 PM: Sit-on-top kayaks
Public paddles are free and open to everyone. We especially hope to welcome our Greenpoint neighbors and members of other community organizations. Come down to the park and talk to your neighbors. Together, let’s learn more about Greenpoint’s history, environmental challenges and successes, and residents. Get out on the water and see the neighborhood as you never have before!
Paddle instruction before hitting the water!
Paddling is free! Our public paddles are child and pet friendly (kayaks have a height minimum of 4′ 10″ and no pets on board, although both children and pets are welcome in the boatyard!) Check our website in the morning in case of inclement weather.
We can’t wait to see you!
Public paddle, August 19, 2017
NBCB sincerely thanks the Greenpoint Community Environment Fund and the Office of the New York State Attorney General and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation for financial support for our Public Paddle series.
This entry was posted on May 25, 2021 by M. H..
These COVID protocols (June 30) supersede all previous:
Unvaccinated members and unvaccinated guests should wear masks and maintain social distance in the boatyard.
All other COVID-related restrictions are lifted.
These protocols may be updated again this season, and Member input is welcome. In the meantime, please direct general comments or questions to Patterson and Erica
PLEASE, return borrowed Life Vests to the boatyard!
Separate note: Major physical changes to the boatyard should always be run by the “Boatyard Crew” committee, which is the group responsible for the boatyard. Leaders at present include Willis and Patterson. Committee membership is open; we always need more folks who are interested in helping with maintenance and improvements.
Members are still encouraged to repair, fix and improve things as they see fit, in the spirit of common sense and safety.
Please, if something seems major, or is going to be easily visible from the bridge or the street, we’d like to chat first. For example fixed structures, or signage that’s not directional or specific to a NBCB event should be approved. Please contact us both, we’ll help.
This entry was posted by Dewey Thompson